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UR. Dialogues

HK$160 per person 
(including non-alcohol 

Duration: 1 hour

UR. Workshops

HK$360 per person 
(including non-alcohol 
drinks & materials)

Duration: 3hours

Attention to opening hours while purchasing the package, special hour arrangement can be founded on our social media. 


Co-sharing Space is closed every Wednesday


Packages are valid for a consecutive 90 days 


The package can be shared by maximum 3 people, deduction according headcount. 

The registered member must be present while using the space

套票最多可供 3人共享,每人按人次扣數。使用空間時,購買該套票之會員需要在場。

Family Sharing: The package can be shared by maximum of 2 adults and 3 kids from same family, the registered member must be present while using the space.

家庭套票:最多可供 2位成人及3位7-12歲以下兒女共享,每人按人次扣數。大小同價,6歲以下免費


Members must be above 12 years old

會員必須年滿 12 歲

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